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Castlevania simons destiny doom mod download

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Castlevania: Simon's Destiny [V OUT!] - WADs & Mods - Doomworld

Castlevania: Simon's Destiny is a non-profit GZDOOM based fangame born as a love letter to this legendary franchise. This mod aims to reinvent the very first NES title of the franchise with a nostalgic yet brand new first person gameplay/10(29). I like what I'm seeing because I think it gives you a visceral sense of what it's like to be a Belmont—like I'm watching the gameplay and I'm realizing how any normal dude could wander into Castlevania and get torn apart immediately, but Simon is just stronger and faster enough than a normal human that he's able to not only hold his own, but by fighting smart, actually fuck Dracula's minions. Browse Castlevania: Simon's Destiny mod for Doom files to download full releases, installer, sdk, patches, mods, demos, and media.

castlevania simons destiny doom mod download

Castlevania simons destiny doom mod download

This mod aims to reinvent the very first NES title of the franchise with a nostalgic yet brand new first person gameplay. All the levels from the classic NES era game have been reimagined like never before, experience the tale of Simon's fight against Dracula and his army of the night!

Quite tense and atmospheric! So i don't need Doom2 to run it, right? Just grab Gzdoom, drop Castlevania. It's not a 3D port of the original game, it's more of a reimagining of it, castlevania simons destiny doom mod download. No, simply because that game is a masterpiece, it's perfectly crafted in every single possible way, and even getting remotely close to it would be a really hard task.

Can i make addons for your mods? You can do whatever you want with it, just put me in the credits! Build your own Simon's Destiny retro box! Edit: actually, I'd like to expand on my statement above. What you've actually done is created something which, in reality, far and away exceeds my wildest vision.

To me, who as an adult that can fully appreciate the effort, castlevania simons destiny doom mod download, that is both indescribable and impressive as hell. Took another short hiatus from Doom As a fan of Doom: The Golden Souls and the mapper behind that, I hope to check this out eventually at some point. I have never played any Castlevania game before honestly never even heard of the castlevania simons destiny doom mod download until I started watching AVGNbut this looks awesome!

I plan on checking out the series proper at some point in time, but I don't have the money right now. Runs in GZDoom 2. So far appears to work perfectly though I've only cleared the first two levels so this isn't a complete picture.

Even old-schooled it with the command line; this is the first time I've used the -iwad command, castlevania simons destiny doom mod download. Captures the feel of the source game, including the difficulty. Normal is whipping me quite hard. Even with the better agility, health conservation tactics are in order here since health is about as common as in Castlevania.

Very easy so save oneself into an unwinnable position if careless. The various ways I've died also pay homage to the source material: Boned by skeletons, castlevania simons destiny doom mod download down pits by Medusa heads, pecked by birds, missed jumps, and more.

And of course, subweapon choice can greatly impact the difficulty at certain points. I wonder if the invincibility potion will make an appearance at some point; guess I'm not far enough in yet.

First boss I won by the narrowest of margins; second boss was refreshingly easy after the level leading up to it. Cheesed it by applying my knowledge of the source game. To further feed the experience, I'll limit my saves to per level along with the autosaves and aim to place them in about the same location as the checkpoints in the NES game.

Wonder if my sanity will hold out along with my self-imposed challenge. You should enable mouselook, this mod was made with modern features in mind, so playing it without being able to look in any direction will be really hard in maps like Map04 and Map06, not to mention that candles are hard to hit that way. Handy to know that mouselook is intended. If I feel I'm walled, I'll go for it; until then, i'm enjoying challenging myself.

I do miss being able to snipe hanging bats with daggers but I'll live. I'm genuinely having fun with this; I also enjoy writing several paragraphs about the difficulty because doing so is enjoyable for me. I seem to have reached the point where I've gotten skilled enough to enjoy this more, which is also an experience I've had with other Konami games such as Gradius and Contra games.

Stage 3 felt like a wall at first though between getting better at handling enemies and searching for wall meat based on where it could be found in the NES game, pulled through. Completed the stage portion twice actually as I wasn't a full health for the boss so replayed the stage. The Medusa Head gauntlet was a particularly pleasing accomplishment. After multiple tries either taking several hits to go through or dying there, felt so good to perfectly weave through without a scratch.

Also passed Stage 4 despite not using any checkpoint saves yet. Did make use of the autosave for the boss though; that took several castlevania simons destiny doom mod download to pull through. Not being able to snipe skeletons with subweapons does make things harder but it was the Mermen that kept wearing me down; they are fast on the trigger. When I became more liberal with using the stopwatch, was able to make it through the caves.

Thankfully, the outdoor section doesn't endlessly spawn enemies like the NES game; that would be scary. No way to hit the skele-dragon without mouselook but since one can walk under it like the NES game, another fun referenceit wasn't a wall. Alchemy lab has expanded.

Like in the caves, castlevania simons destiny doom mod download skeletons made a nuisance of themselves until I could climb up to their level but stopwatch saves the day. Traded it in at the very end for dagger or cross to take out the skele-dragon over the boss door. Bit indecisive over weapon choice for boss but went with holy water since that's how I beat it in the NES game. Boss was a damage race for me.

Attempted to keep main boss stunned with holy water while doing my best not to get too mych stabbity death from the minion, castlevania simons destiny doom mod download. Won eventually. Took me some time to get accustomed to this especially when it comes to the last level since I suck at platforming, so crazy sequences it features aplenty are genuinely intimidating to mebut in the end I can definitely say that I had some quality time.

I'm far from being a Castlevania enthusiast as long as we're not talking Lords of Shadow series that are much more like my alley, macrosurgical dissections ahoyyet from such a perspective things are interesting and engaging enough to Overall - a very nice fast-paced reflexes-oriented marathon that can basically be completed in one evening a shame, really, wish it would've been longerand a great piece of work overall, a worthy distraction from space marine's chores, castlevania simons destiny doom mod download.

Thank you for making this! Dracula fight was easy as pie, castlevania simons destiny doom mod download, duh. Though I suppose all bosses aren't that much of a hassle once it becomes evident just how effective the boomerang cross is against them. Download V1. I really enjoy the dynamic where hearts are plentiful while health is scarce, really encourages using the subweapons. Completed the mod, still with no mouselook.

Normal difficulty, final score of Finished a week or two ago castlevania simons destiny doom mod download haven't posted about it. Enjoyed it overall. I have a lot to write about the experience about the last two stages.

Will cover stage 6 in a future post; have lots of words for stage 5 as it is. Stage 5 is winnable without mouselook albeit some sections are much more difficult. The dragon pillar at the top of a set of staris is a particularly nervewracking obstacle with no axe or stopwatch. Needed to rush it with well timed whip snaps and if my timing or positioning was off, would get severe fireball burns.

Skeletons on elevated platforms had a merry time taking shots at me but they're evadable even if I swore at the times I peek around a corner and one immediately lobs a bone. Axe knights in general are tough opponents. They're durable, the thrown axes come out fast, and their melee strike hurts.

My favorite tactic is to alternate holy water and whip to keep one stunned. Sometime during my numerous failed attempts, I learn one can whip enemies through doors. This can be quite handy in some places. More axe knights and other assorted foes, handle with well placed holy water. A tough section soon comes up, well tough the way I played it. With mouselook, I would keep holy water; without it, i needed the axe. There's a skeleton and an axe knight on platforms too high up to reach with a jumping whip crack.

With mouselook, it's as simple as looking up enough to aim holy water on their platforms. Without it, castlevania simons destiny doom mod download, I axe the skeleton and lob axes at the close axe knight while weaving around to throw off the aim from other enemies on the high ground.

All this while staying out of the clutches of the blood skeletons. Trying to take out the other axe knight is a nervewracking hit and run exercise. Rest of the segment up to the blue key door is easier by comparison. This would be the location of a second checkpoint save Castlevania simons destiny doom mod download never use.

Some dragon pillars fall to cross power before the last major challenge of the stage portion. It's not too tough to reach the boss door but I want to have full health entering the boss fight.

The hallway with the medusa heads and the axe knights will be familiar to those who have reached that portion of the NES game. In this mod, I achieve my goal by luring the first axe knight away from the medusa heads before fighting it. The second one I skip past, scarf the wall meat just before the boss door, and enter without fighting the other axe knight, castlevania simons destiny doom mod download.

This boss is a real step up the difficulty scale. The stage 3 boss was easily handled with hit and run tactics and staying on the move. Took some hits but it ran out of life first without needing to think too hard about dodging.

This one doesn't let castlevania simons destiny doom mod download get away with that. Needed to put actual effort into avoiding the flying scythes. I remember trying to whip them like in the NES game and it does destroy them but deciding it wasn't worth the loss of focus. Without mouselook, I need to jump to land hits but I don't think that influences the challenge that much.

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Castlevania: Simons Destiny (Full Moon Difficulty) // Doom Mod Madness LIVE

, time: 3:45:26

Castlevania simons destiny doom mod download

castlevania simons destiny doom mod download

Castlevania: Simon's Destiny is a non-profit GZDOOM based fangame born as a love letter to this legendary franchise. This mod aims to reinvent the very first NES title of the franchise with a nostalgic yet brand new first person gameplay/10(29). Feb 25,  · Castlevania: Simon's Destiny is a standalone non-profit GZDOOM based fan game born as a love letter to this legendary franchise. This mod aims to reinvent the very first NES title of the franchise with a nostalgic yet brand new first person gameplay. Castlevania: Simon’s Destiny is a fantastic fan made Castlevania game that recreates the entirety of the first NES Castlevania game in first person, allowing players to experience Simon’s classic quest from an entirely new perspective!. Created in the GZDoom engine, Castlevania: Simon’s Destiny puts you in the shoes of Simon Belmont as he cracks his whip at the zombies, skeletons, bats.

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